12 Must Have eCommerce App Features For Your Business

Be very cautious while adding the features to garner everything but the best. These small yet effective nudges are the key to communication between your brand and the customers. Push notifications are better than email campaigns as they are a more direct approach to attracting consumer attention. The feature helps app users to watch live videos and buy at the same time.

ecommerce mobile app features

He has excellent expertise in decision-making and problem-solving because of his professional experience of more than ten years in the IT industry. It may seem pointless to include long, thorough product descriptions in e-Commerce mobile apps. Who, after all, has time to read large lines of text on their smartphone? You can lessen the danger of product returns, impulsive purchasing decisions, and client unhappiness by giving them detailed product information. The beginning of using an app is to sign up for it by filling out a simplified registration form.

Integration With An Online Store

Here you need to make sure that the process is as easy as eating a pie. If we take a look at e-commerce app downloads, from 2017 to 2021, the download rate has increased by 11% and the rate is continually scaling. Do you know which eCommerce platform played a vital role to grow the market, We all have been using these platforms to buy or sell products we want. Whenever a user comes across something they are interested in, they can organize it separately in the wishlist. Hiring expert AR app developers for adding the best AR functionalities to your eCommerce app can make it stand out from the rest of the eCommerce apps. The best way to avoid this is to integrate an effective feedback system in your app.

Launching your eCommerce platform can bring many benefits to your business. Entrepreneurs who don’t have physical stores can still make money from this online store business in many ways. Adding the feature of BNPL can be the best way to attract millennials and generation z.

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Companies using a B2C model often develop applications that serve as channels to market. Sales happen directly through these apps rather than via the company’s website or customer service line. From a business perspective, mobile commerce apps allow brands to communicate directly with their customers. From the customer’s point of view, these apps offer personalization and convenience; they can shop anytime and anywhere while on the go. After selecting a product, users don’t like to be bogged down by a long drawn out and complicated checkout process. This is why single click payments are hugely popular among e-commerce app users.

  • Let’s not forget many e-commerce app projects fail to create an impact because they consider it a side business alongside their existing ones.
  • This will make sharing your products simple and customers will be able to promote your products without even knowing.
  • This strategy can improve client satisfaction and experience, increasing sales and money.
  • The introduction of eCommerce has already marked a significant advancement in how we shop.
  • AI App MakerAI App MakerMobile app builder to create an app in 3 steps.

Also, if the customer is having plans to buy gifts for someone’s wedding, birthday, or any similar occasion, wishlists are the perfect feature for planning future purchases. While functioning as a storage point for customers, it will serve you as a great source of information. We wrote a detailed article about loyalty app programs, so feel free to check it out as an additional resource. As we move further into total digitalization, loyalty cards found themselves fighting an uphill battle against loyalty apps. Even if they don’t open the article, they are still informed about hot news and thus the app still serves the users as a source of information. Our client Index.me uses re-engagement push notifications to notify their users of hot news.

Build mobile commerce apps in Minutes & Upgrade Your Business!

Instead of the same old shopping carts, give something new and exciting to the customers. Progress bars are also a great way to calm your customers as they can anticipate the number of steps they have to go through before completing the purchase. The customer can undoubtedly feel the rush of endorphins, too, as soon as the progress bar ends.

ecommerce mobile app features

If it’s too tedious, you can lose customers even before they check out your e-commerce mobile app features. Offer them an option to log in using Facebook, Google, or Twitter, but remember that some people prefer not to link mobile services with their social media accounts. As an alternative, let them use their email address as a login or access the e-commerce mobile application with a personal password.

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Ask customers if they’re happy to be kept up to date with these at registration, they’ll be more likely to accept without the need to input an email address here, too. If you want to learn more about what exactly eCommerce is and how it can benefit your business in the long run, you can try reading this article on eCommerce by us. This functionality offers an effective way to increase sales and boost customer experience.

ecommerce mobile app features

Both platforms communicate through APIs, which transfer users’ data and commands over the platforms and servers. You can include many search factors in your platform, https://globalcloudteam.com/top-features-for-mobile-ecommerce-app/ such as price range, COD availability, top-rated products, etc. Allowing users to filter search results for products can help them find the perfect products.

Softermii Experience

Customers trust their counterparts, humans, who’ve had experience more than they would believe a software or machine. The feedback and ratings that you receive on your shopping app are not only for the benefit of your customers, but are equally crucial for your business. You cannot get into the personal lives of your customers to know what they like and what is on their minds, but you can definitely put your analytic skills to use.


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